Games and Play for Inclusive Education

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Abstract: GraphoGame is a highly researched game with more than 300 scientific publications including journal articles, book chapters and PhD dissertations. It started as a quest for understanding reading processes and dyslexia in the Finnish context and evolved into a global effort to provide support for early childhood literacy acquisition in thirteen local languages. GraphoGame (Ekapeli in Finnish) is used in all Finnish schools with fantastic results. Research by the University of Cambridge Centre for Centre for Neuroscience in Education, states that GraphoGame is as ‘effective as one-to-one teacher support in achieving basic literacy skills’. In Africa, GraphoGame has been tested in Zambia, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania using Cinyanyi, Swahili, and Afrikaans languages. Intervention results showed increased performance in literacy competencies in these contexts using GraphoGame.

Presenter: Jesper Ryynänen, Co-founder

Organization: Grapho Group

Abstract: Mobile use is high, yet WV is reaching poor families in the most rural remote areas, providing a challenge to accessing technology and connectivity. Additionally, a national Child Disability Study revealed that 92% of the children with disabilities do not have access to specialized services which would help them to thrive and reach their full potential. This lack of specialized services is a gap, but caregivers can be supported to fill part of that gap through access to tools that promote learning at home. While 69% of households in Albania face difficulties in providing internet for their children, 55% of caregivers see technology as supporting the learning and needs of their children with disabilities. Additionally, given the physical restrictions due to COVID 19, quality control and monitoring may be challenging. However, monitoring and feedback mechanisms can be built into the digital platforms created, allowing for monitoring to support fidelity of implementation.


  • Edward Winter, Senior Technical Advisor for Social Inclusion
  • Alisa Phillips, Senior Education Advisor
  • Brisida Jahaj, Education and Youth Technical Advisor

Organization: World Vision


Deaf people around the world, especially in the developing world, use different signed languages from county to country and even region to region. Accessing materials created for the public is a challenge for the Deaf as many of them are not fully literate in the written versions of languages in their countries.

In response to COVID-19 we have seen members of international Deaf communities making educational videos for their “friends groups” on social media. This is hit and miss in terms of reach, and quality, of information dissemination. The platform created for World Around You allows for the rapid creation of sign forward information with supporting text and glossaries The platform was designed with a community of contributors in mind, so that they could add their own original works or add more languages to existing works. 

We would clone the platform to build one dedicated to COVID-19, and prepare sample informational documents in several text and signed languages as models.

Presenters: Stephen Jacobs, Professor at Rochester Institute of Technology and Chris Kurz, Professor at National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Organizations: RIT MAGIC Center and National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Abstract:Technology is shaping the world, and educators understand that knowing how to program is essential for students’ future success—both personal and professional. This is not only because coding is a form of literacy in the digital age, but more importantly, the learning process helps children grow in every aspect of their lives. Learning coding at a young age makes students better thinkers and communicators. The logical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, collaboration, communication, focus, organization, perseverance, resilience, and confidence children develop as they learn to code will benefit them in their everyday lives.

Could a partnership between American Printing House for the Blind (APH) and Microsoft be a solution to address this barrier for students with visual impairments? Originally developed by Microsoft and distributed by APH, Code Jumper is an accessible coding kit designed to open the world of coding to every student. Code Jumper enables young learners to create code by physically connecting pods and setting parameter values. The app is accessible for students with blindness who need to use screen-reading software, and for students with low vision who have unique layout needs. In a concrete and tangible way, the kit enables students to learn fundamental programming concepts such as algorithms, sequences, repetition, selection, threads, parameters, constants, and variables. Students without vision disabilities will also benefit from using Code Jumper. This helps teachers address the diverse needs of all students.

Presenter: Leslie Farr Knox, Senior Director, Engagement & Experience

Organization: American Printing House