In Focus

Policymaker Interview

Photo Credit: Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development

John Kimotho

Director of Educational Media, Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development

John Kimotho is the Senior Deputy Director of Educational Media Services at Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD). He holds a Master’s Degree (Communications-Media Studies) from Daystar University where he is a PhD candidate. He holds a Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in African Leadership in ICT and Knowledge Society from Dublin City University and PGC in media management from University of Alberta. He has undertaken several professional courses in strategic leadership and development, strategic negotiations, results based performance and public private partnerships.

Mr. Kimotho is a registered engineer with Engineer’s Registration Board and a member of the Global Digital Literacy Council. He is an award winner in Pan African Heritage awards in Television category and Public service award in Innovations.

Prior to joining KICD, he worked in the educational media field and served at Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, Educational Media- Canada and National Museums of Kenya (NMK). 

The interview below was conducted by Anthony Bloome, Founder and Executive Director of the mEducation Alliance. 

Anthony: Could you please tell us about your position and how you came into this role? 

Anthony: How has your experience working for the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation helped you in your current position? 

Anthony: We are interested to know how Kenya has been delivering education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Could you please describe the tactics being used by the Department of education for remote learning? 

Anthony: Were there any particular subjects that you thought lent themselves well for dissemination via technology? 

Anthony: We understand that you were once a member of the Global Digital Literacy Council. Could you describe the work of this organization and the contributions you made? 

Anthony: You attended the 2019 mEducation Alliance Symposium “Digital Literacy and Skills for Education and Development.” Were there any stand out presentations or organizations from the symposium you would like to partner with? 

Anthony: What advice would you give other policymakers working in the education technology field?