
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation - Program Officer in Education

Anthony Bloome, Founder and Executive Director of the mEducation Alliance, conducted this interview in June of 2021 in anticipation of this special edition issue of EdTech Connected on Open Education Resources. 

Angela Haydel DeBarger is a Program Officer in Education at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Her portfolio addresses the intersection of the deeper learning and open educational resources strategies with the aim of creating inclusive, purposeful and coherent learning experiences for students and teachers.

As stated on their website, the Hewlett Foundation’s goal is “to equalize access to knowledge by making high quality educational materials and opportunities more broadly available. OER – freely licensed, remixable learning resources – offer a promising solution to the perennial challenge of delivering high levels of student learning at lower cost. But OER offer much more than just cost savings. We believe that well-designed, customizable, openly licensed materials can engage students and energize educators in ways that enable more responsive teaching and better learning.”

Learn more about the Hewlett Foundation’s work in open education resources by watching the interview!