EdTech Academy
mEducation Alliance Signature Activity
The EdTech Academy is the premiere learning and training platform for EdTech policymakers, practitioners, and researchers. It’s a platform for compelling e-learning courses, live events, tools and training materials that showcases various topics through showcase events, promotional channels and professional development opportunities.
The mEducation Alliance EdTech Academy will support the sharing of good practices, lessons learned, and practical case study examples for EdTech project funding, design, research and evaluation, deployment, and replication, principally for developing country contexts via asynchronous and synchronous courses that will be delivered through mEducation Alliance’s Pulse media channel, in which we will feature in-depth expert interviews and case studies, as well as host live events. Illustrative course offerings will include: Digital Literacy 101 (see below), Technology and Ed subject matters(e.g., math, literacy), Technology in Crisis and Conflict Settings, and so much more!
If you would like more information, including how to contribute to the EdTech Academy initiative, please email us at [email protected].

EdTech Academy content will cover a range of topics from: best practices, lessons learned, practical case study examples for edtech design, development, research, evaluation, and implementation for developing country contexts. The content for physical and virtual course delivery will be co-developed among Alliance members and other strategic content partners.
Our initial series, Digital Literacy 101, will include the following modules:
- Module 1: Introduction to Digital Literacy
- Module 2: Digital Literacy for Community Development, Entrepreneurship & Employment
- Module 3: Pre-Computational Skills
- Module 4: Web Literacy
- Module 5: Mobile Literacy
- Module 6: Misinformation & Disinformation
- Module 7: Safety & Security
- Module 8: Coding Skills
- Module 9: Digital Literacy, Equity and Inclusion