Letter from the mEd Desk
Anthony Bloome
Executive Director

Dear EdTech Connected readers,
We’re delighted to share the first issue of our EdTech Connected eZine with you!
We hope that this publication, along with the other mEducation Alliance communication products (such as our eNews), will be a reliable source of quality information for you and your colleagues about EdTech activities, research, and upcoming opportunities, particularly taking place in lower-resource country contexts.
As we’ve all been impacted one way or another by COVID-19, our heartfelt wishes to you and your families in dealing with the pandemic — and applause to the EdTech community for rallying with our own collective efforts in response to this crisis.
As our own contribution, you’ll see that we’ve pulled together for this issue a variety of multimedia materials, primarily focused on COVID-19 response activities from Alliance members and other partners.
This includes highlights from our COVID-19 EdTech pitch day webinars and recent Play Every Day Virtual Symposia event and policymaker, practitioner, and researcher interviews (A huge thanks to all those who took the time to be interviewed). We also have several sections (e.g., Dear mEd, WantED, Research Spotlights) which we hope will continue to be informed by content suggestions from EdTech Connected readers throughout the year.
Your feedback on this current issue and suggestions for its improvement and content in the future, including any new sections you’d recommend, would be most welcome.
Would you like to be more actively engaged in shaping future Alliance activities including sponsoring future and special themed eZine issues? Please visit our website for sponsorship opportunities and to read about our other signature activities, including our crowdfunding campaign for Math Power!.
Thank you to our EdTech Hub partners for their generous support to the Alliance to help the development of EdTech Connected and other products.
Special shoutouts to Nicole Carney, our Director of Engagement, and Scott Isbrandt, our Director of Strategic Initiatives, for pulling together this terrific first issue. Since the mEducation Alliance launched as an independent non-profit at the beginning of July, it’s an understatement to say that we’ve been busy, but it’s been terrific to be working with you and other members of the mEducation Alliance’s extended team over the last several months.
Have a wonderful October everyone!

Anthony Bloome
Executive Director, mEducation Alliance