Pulse Media Channel

mEducation Alliance Signature Activity

Pulse Media features the EdTech Pulse of engaging insights from global and local practitioners, policymakers, investors, and researchers advancing noteworthy initiatives, particularly those focused in lower-resource context. Below you will find a variety of featured videos for each one of our playlists and you can view the entire playlist by clicking the button next to each playlist title. 

If you would like more information on Pulse or how to have your content featured, please email us at [email protected]

Pulse Playlists

2024 mEd Alliance Symposium Dolphin Tank Teasers

2024 mEd Alliance Symposium Video Teasers

2024 Symposium Interview Series

2023 Symposium Interview Series

2023 mEd Alliance Symposium Video Teasers

2022 mEd Alliance Symposium Video Teasers

This playlist showcases video teasers from 2022 mEducation Alliance Symposium presenters. This will give you a taste of what will be discussed at the symposium and truly show the variety of groups we are bringing together. 

We are delighted to feature our Pulse Playlist provided by ProFuturo, one of our stellar Alliance members. This playlist highlights ProFuturo’s Observatory as a space through research and analysis that spotlights different kinds of solutions for improving the chances of teachers and children in vulnerable environments to access high-quality education.

2021 mEducation Alliance Symposium

This playlist showcases the live session recordings from the 2021 mEducation Alliance Symposium on EdTech for Accelerating Foundational Literacy and Numeracy in Low-Resource Contexts held September 27 – 30, 2021. 

2021 Pre-Recorded Symposium Presentations

On the Foundational Numeracy and Literacy Video Showcase page you can find pre-recorded presentations presenters submitted prior to the 2021 mEducation Alliance Symposium. Each of these videos provide a synopsis of their presentation in short 7-minute clips. 

eCafes are informal virtual gatherings with an invited presenter(s) engaging with attendees. 

In our policymaker interviews, we feature recorded videos with Ministry of Education and other key policy level stakeholders. Many of these interviews are featured in our EdTech Connected eZine.

Voices is an interview series where we interview practitioners in the EdTech field on certain thematic topics. Many of these interviews are featured in our EdTech Connected eZine.

The mEducation Alliance Math Power! Virtual Festival (March 15-19, 2021) included a week full of thrilling math presentations. In the playlist below, please find the pre-recorded videos shared by presenters prior to the virtual festival. 

Play Every Day (September 14-16, 2020) was the largest virtual event of the 2020 mEducation Alliance Virtual Symposia series and highlighted a range of tech and non-tech play-based interventions for formal and non-formal educational settings. This playlist has both pre-recorded presentations and live session recordings. 

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EdTech Connected

Jax Chaudhry

Jax Chaudhry leads Project Invent, a national nonprofit that empowers youth with future ready mindsets for individual success and global impact, through invention. Originally from the Southside of Chicago, Jax loves working with students, families and partners to ensure every student can attain success as they define it. For more than 10 years, she has worked with elementary schools, high schools, education nonprofits and led regional teams and operations to ensure student success.

Michael Leventhal

Kenneth Y T Lim operates at the intersection of neuroergonomics, the learning scienceMichael Leventhal is co-founder of RobotsMali, a pedagogical and AI4D laboratory and STEM education center in Bamako, Mali. RobotsMali has trained thousands of students from elementary school to high school in computer science, robotics, and artificial intelligence, coached national robotics teams that have won 32 medals in international competitions, and developed technologies using AI and robotics for the social and economic development of Mali. Before becoming an educator in Mali, Michael worked as a technologist in Silicon Valley.s, and cognitive psychology. In 2023, he and his team were identified by UNESCO to share their work on the affordances of Generative AI for meaningful teaching and learning, during UNESCO’s first annual flagship event Digital Learning Week, international forum on the implications of Generative AI for education, in the session on ‘Preparing students and teachers for responsible use of AI’.

Enouce Ndeche

Enouce Ndeche is the founder and Director of Vijana Amani Pamoja ,VAP a community scheme based in Nairobi Kenya that uses the power and the popularity of the game of soccer/football as a catalyst for social, educational and economic empowerment.Enouce holds a degree in sociology from Egerton university and he is also the 2020 individual award recipient “Diversity and Inclusion Eminent Leader Award Enouce is also a certified Sports Philanthropy and Executive, George Washington University and is a 2023 Gratitude Network fellow.

Kenneth Y T Lim

Kenneth Y T Lim operates at the intersection of neuroergonomics, the learning sciences, and cognitive psychology. In 2023, he and his team were identified by UNESCO to share their work on the affordances of Generative AI for meaningful teaching and learning, during UNESCO’s first annual flagship event Digital Learning Week, international forum on the implications of Generative AI for education, in the session on ‘Preparing students and teachers for responsible use of AI’.