The World Bank
Mike Trucano is the World Bank’s Senior Education & Technology Policy Specialist and Global Lead for Innovation in Education. He works on issues at the intersection of technology use and education in middle- and low-income countries and emerging markets around the world. He currently co-leads the World Bank’s global EdTech team and global solutions group on ‘technology and innovation in education’ which maintains the World Bank’s knowledge base on related topics. He also provides technical support and guidance to large scale national education projects around the world. Mike also leads research and analytical work under the World Bank’s flagship Systems Approach for Better Education Results initiative as it relates to information and communication technologies, including a related working paper series. He is also known for writing numerous blog posts for the World Bank, including one in 2014 called “Education & Technology in an Age of Pandemics” which has been often revisited over this last year.
For more information: The World Bank – Mike Trucano
Links to blog posts mentioned in the interview: