Letter from the mEd Desk
Anthony Bloome
Executive Director

Dear EdTech Connected readers,
We hope this issue of EdTech Connected finds you and your families in the best of health. It certainly has been a trying last year for everyone. Our hope is that there are blue skies ahead which we can all enjoy over the course of the next several months.
Speaking of “blue skies,” this Anniversary issue of EdTech Connected represents some of the best of mEducation Alliance partner and EdTech community work over the last 10 years.
You can find within: headshots and “yearbook” comments from many of our Alliance EdTech partners champions and friends; video and interviews with leading EdTech innovators, researchers, and policymakers; and a highlight collection from EdTech webinars and other events. You’ll see reference to our 10th Anniversary event and 1st annual award show in early February. Thanks to you all of you attended and sent us your good wishes!
In this issue, you’ll also see reference to our Pi Day (March 14) launch of the first of our series of Math Power! Virtual Math Festivals. These will culminate in a large Math Power! virtual gala later this summer.
The nine presenters we featured during this first festival represented an amazing range of tech and non-tech activities and initiatives in Africa designed to help bring the joy of math to learners. Be on the look-out for announcements about other Math Power! activities and products over the coming months — we’d love to have your support and collaboration.
Speaking of the coming months, we will launch our open nominations call for Youth Digital Champions in early April, continue to build content for our “Pulse” digital media channel, and collect stories for our next EdTech Connected issue with focus on Digital Literacy and S.T.E.M. If you’d like more information on any of these, including contributing content and sponsorship opportunities, please let us know. Also, be on the look out for a new website! You may have noticed a new logo for the mEducation Alliance, so we are working on a great space to feature it.
And if you already don’t subscribe to our biweekly eNews, how will you find out about all the eDonuts we’ve given away at our eCafe events? Hmm… 🙂
Great thanks as usual to my amazing colleagues, Scott and Nicole, and our indefatigable intern team, Kim, Sofia, Zola, Stephen, TL — and the newest additions Parth and Julie.
All the best,
Anthony Bloome
Executive Director, mEducation Alliance